Hello all,
As you may know, I've got some fun things planned here at Grafter this year. But it's not all fun and games. Behind the scenes we're working hard at content, social media as well as the upcoming magazine and merchandise. All of it is in aim to fundraise the next print magazine. So whatever you purchase will go straight into getting the new print magazine out.
But how did Grafter start?
Last year I was in university in the midst of creating Grafter. Grafter is a one-woman band with amazing contributors who volunteer their time. Hi all, I'm Colleen Considine. The thing that makes me smile most of all is the imaginary office and fancy team behind me which people think-up. It's lovely to hear, but Grafter really is one woman show. Working at a table in a living room in Luton. And whoever can join me is more than welcome. May that be a new idea, a collaboration, or a piece of content for the future print and online.
A little passion project after coming from Luton, somewhere that often turns heads. Going to university, it was the little laugh or grin and even questioning if I’m working class that turned into Grafter. I wanted to write about things I simply didn't see in other print publications. And it turned into something that a lot of people can relate to.
June of 2020 the print magazine was printed. Finalising the magazine during lockdown, I just wanted it out there. All self-published it’s been a real learning curve. One that has continued to make me want to do more and help more people tell their story.
Grafter documents the real workers of the UK. Those who go unnoticed in small communities full of large ideas. The people who really make this country what it is. And it isn’t the government, it’s not the rich or even people who sit in their offices. It’s always been and always will be the real Grafters.
Voicing your opinion and your story is vital. It’s one thing having an opinion, but without a place for others to hear it, it will go unnoticed. And to go with that, cementing it in print. Dedicated to those who will go to the ends of the earth for their family. The daily struggles people go through, those who have been brave enough to try and try again. Because if we don't discuss Britain, who else will?

We need to document the changing landscape of the working classes. Everything is always changing so fast and there’s not one clear voice or platform to show what is actually going on. I don’t want to hear about some celebrity on the tv. The most interesting people are those we don’t even know exist yet, those who put a bit of elbow grease into their work.
In the first issue Grafter looked to what it meant to be in Britain today. And I only want to make this bigger. Exploring more issues that are going undocumented and more people who are being left to the curb. Showcasing political fighters, squatters, navy veterans, tailors, poets, angsty teenagers and so many more wonderful people. Personal journey’s and the highs and lows that comes with daily life.
What's on offer?
Two fantastic publications bursting with content and one super cool piece of merch. There have been so many superb people involved, both on the range and the magazines. The first print magazine is now re-issued as a digital PDF. So if you missed it the first time around, you get to read 160-pages full of fantastic content this time. It's a one-time deal that you don't want to miss! Now available through our store.
The upcoming digital magazine is even bigger! More contributors, more photography, and more of Britain. Just a few, Kerry Harrison, Sam Wainwright, Jasmine Miller-Sauchella, Sebastian Garraway, Valeria Wiwinus, and the list goes on!
The special one-of-a-kind tote bag in a gorgeous red and white colour way. Designed by the fabulous Morgan Musselle and printed at the amazing Boyds of Bedford. With only 50 of these fabulous tote bags available, once they are gone, they are gone! So you're gonna want to get your hands on one. What better way to hold a magazine than a tote?
A tote bag, two digital magazines, maybe all three or just one, buying any of the products will allow us to continue. We will do exactly what we say and more. But we need your help. Print is so valuable, everyone and everything we documented is set in stone. Shown to the world and the idiots who operate it. Your work is so amazing it deserves to be shown in print. So that's what we're going to do.

However, print isn't cheap, which is why we need your help. Selling all the products from the merch and the digital magazines will allow us to print. Like so many, Covid hit everyone and during these challenging times it takes a team. With your generosity and kindness we'll be able turn your stories and make them real. Documenting life around us in print for everyone to see.
With your help, we'll be able to push our online media even more, more video content, more print and merchandise. More people being shared to our mediums with more of Grafter. We have a goal of £1500.00. It's 100% possible, by buying from our range, we'll be printing in no time. If the tote bags all sell out, the digital magazines are always available, and we'll release more!
Grafter is more than a social media page or a website. It challenges the status quo, going against what was paved out for us. And we write, create, photograph the life around us, then we put it all together. Never skimping on information, it's as large as a book but cooler.
In print we have;
Crap Places. Building the magazine around places so often deemed 'Crap Places' by those who haven't even been there! And we prove them wrong.
Politics. Whether it's about class, talking to an MP or journalist, identity, culture, disability, homelessness. We want to discuss more important issues. We talked to the political editor of the Financial Times, Robert Shrimsley in Issue 1!
Interviews. A record shop owner, activist, a teenager, photographer, poet, if you're alive and with a story to share, we'll interview you.
Art. Poetry. Music. Creativity. We want different. People who think differently and do things differently. Music we've not heard before that spans the ages. If it's something we've not seen or heard, it's getting printed.

What else?
Did I mention the giveaway of our products and the digital series starting next Friday 5th Feb at 7pm on Instagram with Sam Wainwright? Social media takeovers? Even more online content? And more contributors? With some special things thrown in too? No? Well, keep supporting us and there'll be more content on the way!
If you want to be part of this and more, then check out our range and let's get Issue 2 printed! Find out what's on offer and you can buy the first issue now...
Everyone involved are all independents. We're big supporters of smaller creatives, it's vital to do so as there's so much positivity. So keep supporting and spread the Grafter message.
The first issue now for sale: